View Full Version : Jewel duets

01-05-2007, 02:13 PM
Who do you enjoy hearing Jewel sing with? Sorry I am sure I am missing some people in this poll, but there's only 10 options and these are the only ones I could think of, to my knowledge... feel free to post about more

01-05-2007, 03:27 PM
the merle haggard ones i've always enjoyed

Little Bird
01-05-2007, 04:33 PM
Absolutely has to be Joe Firstman. 'Everything Reminds me of you' is just a beautiful song! I adore it and Joe's voice is gorgeous singing it. They blend well together on that song.

01-05-2007, 04:42 PM
I agree about Joe Firstman. He sings with such emotion! Matches Jewel very well. :) Steve Poltz is great, too, but a bit more on the quirky/silly side of things.

01-05-2007, 07:29 PM
I voted for Merle, but I think we should add Atz (her father) to the list. I LOVE the yodel song they do together!!!! I'd for for that if it was an option!

01-05-2007, 09:49 PM
steve of course!!!

01-05-2007, 09:58 PM
i choose joe i love that song also and thought their voices went well together more than poltz that ive heard so far anyway

01-06-2007, 12:30 PM
I chose Merle as well. I really love Silver Wings and I love the Yodel song they did together as well. It was close b/c I like her w/ Jason Mraz and also w/ Garth Brooks. I like her stuff with Joe Firstman as well, everyone is right their voices go well together.

Christie, I didn't know she has a yodel song w/ Atz..

01-06-2007, 01:20 PM
I voted for Melissa Etheridge because the performance from Jewel with her of Foolish Games is so awesome!! But her duet with Joe Firstman is really nice! Their voices fit so good together, but I voted for Melissa because no one voted for her since yet ;)

Little Bird
01-06-2007, 06:12 PM
I think we should add Atz (her father) to the list. I LOVE the yodel song they do together!!!! I'd for for that if it was an option!

I've added him in, removed your vote for Merle and added it to Atz!

01-07-2007, 09:32 AM
Thanks Kiera!! After all, he was her very 1st duet partner!! :-)

01-07-2007, 12:59 PM
Kiera can't you up the poll options to like 15 or something so we won't have these 10 options only issues like with all the album questions???? (since most albums have around 14 tracks)

Little Bird
01-07-2007, 07:35 PM
Yeah sure. It was on a default of 10. Never had a need to look at that setting til now.

It's done. I've up'd it to 15.

01-08-2007, 04:14 AM
Thanks Kiera!! After all, he was her very 1st duet partner!! :-)

Did Jewel perform this song with both Atz & Merle Haggard?? I didn't think it was one that she sang with Merle on...(copy & paste courtesy of JewelWiki site).



by Atz Kilcher
As sung by Jewel and Atz Kilcher
Transcribed by Michelle Thomas

[Jewel and Atz together]

A little yodeling song
for my man Yo
And I know that Yo don't know
That I wrote this song a late one night
He'd heard me yodeling down at Hobo Gin's
And we were hanging out at the Putter Inn
He was beggin me to yodel
And Oh Yo he wasn't half the type
He held out his hand
I said "What's your name?"
And he said "Yo"
So I asked him again
And he said "Yo" again
So I figured it must be his name
Well I was having some perculiar thoughts
But you can't say much with a name like Atz
So I settled back
Tried to figure out Yo-yo's game
Now Yo was sailin three sheets of the wind
With a frozen stare
And an ear-to-ear grin
He kept beggin me to yodel, sayin
"G-gget up there and yodel with the band"
It was my good friend Rod with a hired gun
So I stepped up to have a little bit of fun
With the lead, and the bass and the drummer and the rhythm man
Now Yo he staggered right up to the stage
He had this angelic smile on his face
That sucker looked like he floated up to heaven and he died
While I never had a fan quite like Yo before
He stood there mesmerized on the floor
He started stompin and clappin when he heard my yodeling cry

And I said
Yo This yodeling song's for you
No matter where you go
No matter what you do
Remember that time spent yodeling's time well spent
I've never had myself a fan club before
But Yo don't you know that one thing's for sure
If I do I'll make you my fan club president

And I said

Well when I got through
I said "There you go Yo"
And he was still smiling but his eyes were still closed
And I thought I was going to get away from him
But then he opened them wide and said
"I-II want to hear some more"
Well I was wearing out my welcome and I was running out of time
But I decided that I'd yodel up another line
Cause I thought it was the only way I could get Yo off the floor
Then I got to thinking
I realized
Suddenly I realized
Why old Yo liked yodeling
Because everytime I yodeled I was saying Yo's name
Well then I got to thinking it probably wouldn't work too well
In fact it downright sounds like hell
If you ever try to yodel using anybody elses name

Try Inga
Inga-lay (etc.)

See what I mean It just doesn't work

So In this whole wide world
No matter where I go
One thing I've learned
I've finally know
I'll never yodel again if there's anyone in the audience named Yo

And I said
Yo This yodeling song's for you
No matter where you go
No matter what you do
Remember that time spent yodeling's time well spent
I've never had myself a fan club before
But Yo don't you know that one thing's for sure
If I do I'll make you my fan club president

And I said
(long yodel)

01-08-2007, 10:08 AM
I'm confused. That's the "Yo" song she sings with Merle Haggard. Are you sure the version you have Christie is w/ Atz and not Merle?

01-09-2007, 10:57 AM
I'd like to hear her do duets with elton john, eric clapton, or willie nelson.

here's one of my favorite duets of all time. man, is elton flaming, but wow can he still belt one out. and I am not sure how shania, my other favorite diva, can keep a straight face with elton's outfit all brite and blinding.


01-09-2007, 02:50 PM
Did Jewel perform this song with both Atz & Merle Haggard?? I didn't think it was one that she sang with Merle on...(copy & paste courtesy of JewelWiki site).


Yo ............

I have all 2 songs!! I think she sang it with both Merle and Atz too!

01-09-2007, 04:28 PM
That's what I was wondering....she did sing this with both. Thanks!!

01-11-2007, 12:24 AM
hey Christie I am so confused!!!!!! The version I have and thought was Merle Haggard is actually Atz... see mine didn't have the intro w/ Jewel & Atz... but how I missed him saying "with a name like Atz" is beyond me... anyways now I am curious to actually hear the Merle version....
I will keep my vote w/ Merle though still for the sake of Silver Wings, I just love that duet

ps- Am I out of the loop or what? when I was watching the tape from Jay leno this morning I just let the whole thing keep playing on through Conan and all and Carson Daly came on and I didn't know that Joe Firstman is Carson's house band guy... did everyone know this? Am I behind or what??

01-11-2007, 02:15 AM
Yes, it is obvious that it's Atz by the way he pauses after he says "with a name like Atz".....as if to chuckle to himself about his name! :-)

01-11-2007, 02:38 AM
haha don't feel bad i have the same version of the song gary and i thought it was merle for a long time too, and yeah i knew joe was carson's house guy but I don't care for him much

06-18-2007, 01:11 PM
I voted for the Jessica Simpson duet of "WWSYS" Why? It's the most flat out amusing thing that I have ever seen. Jessica Simpson writhing and twitching with her nasal voice compared to Jewel's natural composure of grace and her strong voice make for good viewing.

I felt that the Beonce duet on that VH1 Divas thing was a bit one sided. Beyonce was allowed to go crazy with the vocals, not sure if that was planned or just Beyonce being Beyonce. ?

06-18-2007, 07:05 PM
I have all 2 songs!! I think she sang it with both Merle and Atz too!

Did she sing this with Merle? I have never heard or seen that. I think she only did it with Atz since it is one of his songs off his album. He always sings the song while she did back up.

06-19-2007, 12:51 AM
I have always wanted Jewel and Tori Amos to do a duet or something together!

i love jewel and joe firstman together.
Jewel and merle haggard together
Jewel and Jason Mraz
And Jewel and Steeeevve poltz!

06-19-2007, 01:31 PM
I voted for the Jessica Simpson duet of "WWSYS" Why? It's the most flat out amusing thing that I have ever seen. Jessica Simpson writhing and twitching with her nasal voice compared to Jewel's natural composure of grace and her strong voice make for good viewing.

I felt that the Beonce duet on that VH1 Divas thing was a bit one sided. Beyonce was allowed to go crazy with the vocals, not sure if that was planned or just Beyonce being Beyonce. ?

I agree! Hilarious!

09-05-2007, 09:59 PM
why is jewel's mother not a choice on here? that would take my vote.

09-05-2007, 10:31 PM
Melissa Etheridge, Queen of Rock!

09-07-2007, 05:08 AM
GARTH BROOKS! GARTH BROOKS! (Or Haggard). I wanna hear Jewel sing "Two Piña Coladas"! However I love to hear her duets with Steve Poltz and her dad, especially that "Yo" song she did on Hard Rock Live, so cute! And I really want to see that Storytellers special she did with Melissa Etheridge, I never got to see or hear it:(

09-07-2007, 05:20 AM
I freaking love Melissa Etheridge. I want to see the thing they did too.

09-10-2007, 07:30 PM
I freaking love Melissa Etheridge. I want to see the thing they did too.

I love that song of hers "If I Wanted To". Actually her whole Yes I Am album is amazing.

09-13-2007, 08:14 PM
Did everyone forget about her duets with Sarah Mclaughlin?? i loved them!

09-23-2007, 07:55 AM
Am I the only one that voted for Edwin McCain?
I totally love them together. What Matters Is The Heart just blows me away every time.

09-23-2007, 10:22 PM
what did she sing w/ sarah mchlachlan??

10-14-2007, 06:54 PM
I didn't know that either.

10-14-2007, 07:12 PM
She sings with Sara McLachlan on Water is Wide on the Lilith Fair CD.
I think she did a few others on the Lilith Fair tour, too.

06-13-2008, 06:03 PM
I really like many of her duets; Melissa, Steve,Merle, Joe. What I don´t like is Jessica Simpson I can´t stand her ... well I doesn´t like Beypnce too jeje.
One I like very much is with Jason Michael Carroll and he´s not on the list. I think he got a pretty deep good voice. When someone wanna know him and still don´t do you can see a video from him with Jewel singing "No good in goodbye" in youtube.
Take care, Sonne

06-14-2008, 01:08 PM
I really like many of her duets; Melissa, Steve,Merle, Joe. What I don´t like is Jessica Simpson I can´t stand her ... well I doesn´t like Beypnce too jeje.
One I like very much is with Jason Michael Carroll and he´s not on the list. I think he got a pretty deep good voice. When someone wanna know him and still don´t do you can see a video from him with Jewel singing "No good in goodbye" in youtube.
Take care, Sonne

yeah i think exactly the same!!! I mean i know that Jewel is good friends with Jessica but yeah musically they are VERY V EEE RR YY different xD.
Dont like beyonce either.. I love No good in goodbye with Jason Michael Caroll tough i dont like his voice but together they sound amazing.

06-14-2008, 07:21 PM
I thought I said it already, but maybe it get lost in this freaky cyber world.
I liked much of Jewel´s duets; Melissa, Joe, Merle, Steve, ...
One that I like was Jason Michael Carroll and he´s no on the list.
Take care, Sonne

06-14-2008, 07:25 PM
Oh :censored::censored::censored::censored:!!!:
It ever happen to me again. I´m going crazy jeje.
I looked if someone has answered and see that my message wasn´t there so I write it again and then when I send it my old message come back.
Don´t worry I will handle well this madness ;)
Take care, Sonne

08-13-2010, 07:28 AM
amazing jewel duets